You study grammar for a really, really, and I mean a REALLY long time and you start to see that you have a sort of weird affection for the poor, little misunderstood semicolon. So many people abuse it; they just don't know how to make room for the semicolon in their life. I always ponder why people misuse the little semi because in all honesty, it's the easiest grammatical function out there folks. Mr., or maybe it's a Ms.--let's not discriminate and forget that composition is inherently masculine and maybe, just maybe in our gender equal society of today the semicolon can be a woman--anyways, I digress. Ms. Semicolon only has one real job--all she does is combine two friendly and complete thoughts--how hard can that be? Two forlorn thoughts separated in space; trying to find a way to grammatically connect--That's my life. At least I feel like I'm the semicolon--somewhere out there in this crazy world trying to connect a few completes into one big explosive whole. And then maybe we are all a bit of a semicolon at times; a small, rarely used and many times overlooked, misused, or misunderstood thing, but at the same time a great and powerful entity that when put in the right place has the power of bringing things together.
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