Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sauce Box

Surprise, surprise! It's 2am and here I am blogging again! I do believe that my most productive hour is after midnight.  That could prove scary later on.  I have been trying really hard to get my sleeping/waking schedule back to normality but it has proven really difficult.  Most nights I am up late due to the fact that I have several pages of a novel stuff!

Speaking of the glorious novel, the time for producing written work has arisen...da da da duhhhhmmm...I am going to say then that my reason for being awake at this hour is due to the fact that I am researching paper topics (take that how you may hehe).  At any rate, we have just finished reading a really fun (now some of my fellow grad peeps will disagree with me here, that's ok) novel called Pamela, by: Samuel Richardson.  What a "saucy" little text this has proven to be!

Before I go on, I really must go off on a bunny trail, as they say, for a moment.  So, The class that I read this book in is called, "The 18th Century British Novel." Now, you must admit that the mere title of this class sounds boring, dreary, lackluster, treacherous and any other exciting adjective you can come up with to describe a monotonous situation.  But, surprise! It's not! This class is flipping awesome! Given, the splendor of this class is largely credited to the wonderful professor, Dr. Strong. 

So, after having added and/or dropped this class at least three times, I found myself grudgingly deciding to stay in it and get it over with. Well, needless to say, this class has proven to be an intriguing class studying a period that I thought I would never enjoy and am now thinking of concentrating in if I go the PHD route.

Ok, so I am sure you are waiting for me to get back to this intriguing Pamela.  Alright so here it is in a nutshell (remember, this is 18th Century England).  Pamela is a beautiful 15 year old servant in a rich, soon to be Lord's, home.  This Lord, Mr. B, is by all accounts (and we only get a few thanks to Pamy's first person journal scribbles) a handsome 23ish year old man.  Ok, so here is where it gets fun.  Mr. B tries to rape Pamela at least twice, then tries to buy her with massive amounts of money and materialism and then at the last minuet decides he loves her.  All the while, Pamela is fighting off Mr. B's near rape attempts as she sits around witting massive amounts of texts from whence we get our story. 

But wait, it gets better! Mr. B turns out to be a creeper and on more than one occasion stalks out in Pamela's closet to spy on her.  At one point good ole' B even dresses up as a fellow servant to try and get into bed with Pammy. To top it off, Creeper B isn't satisfied in spying on Pamy, he has to read every single piece of text she has written. But, despite B's creepiness, Pamy soon falls in love with him and guess what? Yup, they get married...yay....Happy Ever After.......

What a weird, but exciting text! And you thought that weird plots like this only existed in modern novels...tisk tisk.  Leave it to the British to supply us with ample amounts of creepy, bizarre, stories.  So you are probably wondering what the point of this post is.  Well, I don't know haha.  I think it is just a rambling post! No, ok, really.  The point, if there has to be one should be this: To use a ridiculous cliche, "never pick a book by its cover."  I should not have discredited this amazing class on the mere title of it.  Otherwise, I never would have met Pamela.

Well, I do believe I have rambled on enough now.  I have given you an interesting, or boring post (depending on how you read this) and I even provided you with a morale...awwwww, how sweet of me.

Night Folks!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Glamour Pup

I absolutely love my sweet, sweet, puppy, Jasper, or like I call him many times, JJ (short for Jasper Jack--his first name was Jack.)  Jasper joined my chaotic, fun-filled life last January after I adopted him from a pet shelter in Asheville, North Carolina.  Since day one, Jasper has been spoiled and has become one of my favorite photography subjects.  He is such a sweet boy, and he absolutely eats up the camera attention! I spent a small amount of my time today taking some pictures of him and here are the results! 

Old English Must Die!

Ok, so it's 2am.  Really? Have I been working on Old English this long? Yes, yes I have.Welcome to life in Grad school. No, no--hahaha, life is non-existent in grad school! I forgot! Possibly because I have not had time to think about the lack of time I have.  And see, now it has come to writing blogs at 2am because of the lack of time.

I never imagined that grad school would and could take so much of ones life.  I have had time to think of nothing other than my classes.  If a boyfriend were something I found interest in at this stage of the game, he would be an upset fellow because he would get none of my attention.  I have love affairs with my books. Yes, every night we cuddle up together, and get intimate as I delve into the delicate words and pages bound between leather.  

Literature is such an amazing thing.  Through stories, ranging from any and all periods of life, we, the reader can step inside and become a part of a story that we are already a part of, even if it is subconsciously.  Stories live throughout time, and no matter what story we step into, we can find our hearts and souls in that story. 
 Maybe this is why I get sad when I finish a book.  It is almost like a death--ok, so I don't really get that emotional, but sad, yes.

As a reader, I become so involved in the lives and stories I enter through the words on the white pages that are locked within a cover, that when those words cease, the life created in those words, pages, and depths of my inner being cease too.  A part of me, that I have given over to the book, ends with the last word of the book.  And this, I suppose friends, is why I love literature.  After all, I have committed myself to this lifeless life for the next two, maybe more, years in order to obtain an advanced degree in literature. Yikes!

On the cheery side, Chuck is amazing.  When I do have seconds of free time I enjoy getting to spend it in one of the greatest (in my humble opinion) cities in the United States.  So far, I have been to the beach a grand total of two times and it is only ten minuets from my house. Let's see--I have been to the pool approximately five to six times, and only because it is within walking distance to me.  And last, but not least, the downtown sector of Chuck gets my visitations (and dollars) weekly.

All in all, I wouldn't change a thing about life right now.  I have been blessed beyond measure and I hope to live up to, and beyond the expectations of this blessing. 

Until Next Time,
