Sunday, September 26, 2010

Old English Must Die!

Ok, so it's 2am.  Really? Have I been working on Old English this long? Yes, yes I have.Welcome to life in Grad school. No, no--hahaha, life is non-existent in grad school! I forgot! Possibly because I have not had time to think about the lack of time I have.  And see, now it has come to writing blogs at 2am because of the lack of time.

I never imagined that grad school would and could take so much of ones life.  I have had time to think of nothing other than my classes.  If a boyfriend were something I found interest in at this stage of the game, he would be an upset fellow because he would get none of my attention.  I have love affairs with my books. Yes, every night we cuddle up together, and get intimate as I delve into the delicate words and pages bound between leather.  

Literature is such an amazing thing.  Through stories, ranging from any and all periods of life, we, the reader can step inside and become a part of a story that we are already a part of, even if it is subconsciously.  Stories live throughout time, and no matter what story we step into, we can find our hearts and souls in that story. 
 Maybe this is why I get sad when I finish a book.  It is almost like a death--ok, so I don't really get that emotional, but sad, yes.

As a reader, I become so involved in the lives and stories I enter through the words on the white pages that are locked within a cover, that when those words cease, the life created in those words, pages, and depths of my inner being cease too.  A part of me, that I have given over to the book, ends with the last word of the book.  And this, I suppose friends, is why I love literature.  After all, I have committed myself to this lifeless life for the next two, maybe more, years in order to obtain an advanced degree in literature. Yikes!

On the cheery side, Chuck is amazing.  When I do have seconds of free time I enjoy getting to spend it in one of the greatest (in my humble opinion) cities in the United States.  So far, I have been to the beach a grand total of two times and it is only ten minuets from my house. Let's see--I have been to the pool approximately five to six times, and only because it is within walking distance to me.  And last, but not least, the downtown sector of Chuck gets my visitations (and dollars) weekly.

All in all, I wouldn't change a thing about life right now.  I have been blessed beyond measure and I hope to live up to, and beyond the expectations of this blessing. 

Until Next Time,


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